To Victims of Swiss Companies


Der folgende Flyer ist ein Fake,

… das gebe ich zu. Aber man kann sich sehr wohl vorstellen, wie die frivolen Sargjäger-Kläger in den USA schon in den Startlöchern warten, um zum Shakedown loszurennen. Und auch die noble Verteidiger-Gilde dürfte sich schon auf mehr Biz freuen.

Wir, die Nation der hehren Vorauseiler, die ethischen Selbstzerstörer des Finanzplatzes und jetzt auch noch von unserer Industriebasis (gilt übrigens auch für die Waffeninitiative).

To victims of Swiss Companies

– victims of discrimination, personal injury, sexual harassment, wrongful dismissal, infringement of civil rights, your privacy, mobbing and other alleged wrongful behavior of Swiss companies, operating in the United States of America, including but not limited to their affiliates, branches, representatives, agents and their predominant suppliers.

If you are an employee of such an entity and have unresolved grievances for above reasons, constitutional changes and laws that will be voted in Switzerland, with good chance to pass popular vote (similar to California ballot proposition), may soon permit you to get redress, for the wrong you suffered, in Switzerland, from these companies, where they are headquartered and listed or incorporated.

Let us introduce ourselves: We are the honorable law firm of Shyster, Coffin & Chaser LLP.

Below we briefly explain how we can help you.

We specialize in getting you, the victim, with limited means, fair compensation for the tort you suffered. There is no need to worry about legal fees. We generally accept mandates on a no-cure-no-pay basis. We get our fees from a share of the compensation you receive from the wrongful company.

The advantage of the forthcoming law in Switzerland is, that we need not actually sue the wrongful party. Image preservation is of such importance, in this close nit country, and omnipresent media, state TV with independently researched penchant to the left, NGO’s and social networks that public coverage and sympathizing with your case is guaranteed.

The mere threat of a much publicized law suit will allow us to settle out-of-court sizable compensation. These companies will pay up, because their overall goal is no bad publicity, no social media storms.

We have extensive experience how to approach and structure such deals and can virtually guarantee you a monetary settlement, within short time, at no cost to you.

They are foremost interested to keep your grievance non-disclosed, private, away from the media and, from our experience in similar cases, practically irrespective of the merits.

As each case may vary and needs good understanding, we invite you to contact as soon as possible Chas Chaser, Partner, for an interview.



2 thoughts on “To Victims of Swiss Companies”

  1. Nice idea but your forgot your counter-parties, your competitors of those wrongful companies in Switzerland. They too will make a hell of a lot of money trying to keep the settlement with you as low as possible. Great game for legal firms btw and not astounding that most important Swiss promoters of this stupid initiative seem to be lawyers, some even Law Professors. It is called social redistribution among people who do not need it while the actually potentially damaged people in poor and corrupt countries will never see a dime. Normally ticking intelligent people call this a great waste of resources

  2. …..und wenn das ganze nur ein Trick der multinationalen NGOs wäre, um sich auf Kosten von international tätigen Schweizer KMUs zu finanzieren? Wenn letztere einer rufschädigenden Hetzkampagne entgehen wollen, lassen sie sich möglicherweise erpressen (Vergleich) und die NGOs haben das Geld.

    Bedenklicher scheint mir allerdings, Rechtssätze in die Verfassung (das höchste Gesetz unerers Landes) zu schreiben, die schon aus rein praktischen Gründen nicht vollzogen werden können. Letzteres sehen offenbar auch die Initianen so, wenn sie dem Parlament empfehlen, in der Vollzugsgesetzgebung zugunsten von KMUs vom Wortlaut der Verfassung abzuweichen. Solches mag in diesen Kreisen üblich sein, aber die Schweiz zu einer Bananenrepublik machen…..?

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